Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Video Production


Project 1

The first project I worked on showcases various locations in Downtown Pittsburgh. Following the assignment criteria, it switches between different focal lengths to demonstrate long shots, medium shots, and close-ups. 

PSA Project

My PSA centers on littering in public spaces. It informs the viewer with startling facts that describe how large of an issue littering has become.

Natural Sound Project

My natural sound video was a collaboration with classmate Chloe Jakiela. We wanted to acknowledge the issue of littering in Downtown Pittsburgh and what local peoples' opinions were regarding the matter. Video by Chloe Jakiela and sound recording/editing by me. 

Freeform Project

My freeform documents the peace that can be found hiding inside a loud bustling city. It also highlights some sculptural art focusing on urban workers and citizens. 

Final Narrative Project (revised)

My final video project is a fictional narrative that revolves around a college student struggling to get his thesis paper done. You can probably guess that this is partly based on actual events. I wrote, directed, and shot the piece while my cousin, Zakk, acted and assisted with video and sound. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Studio Photography: Final

Studio Final: Spare Change

One of the most essential reasons I got into photography, and what keeps me going, is its ability to bring interest to the most mundane and forgotten subjects in our world. It’s the reason I find myself crouching in the middle of the street to take a picture of the reflection in a puddle or stopping in the middle of a bike ride to photograph a roller cart in a golf course. Of course these pictures don’t always turn out as interesting as I intended them, not to mention it often makes me late to places, but it serves as good practice for when I find something truly remarkable.
            This was the basis for my project. Currencies are engrained within a majority of the worlds’ societies, coins in particular, as they have been circulating in human civilizations for nearly 3,000 years. People come into contact with coins everyday, but how often do they really look at them? How often do they appreciate their carefully designed engravings, all of which have significance in the history or culture of their native country? One could say that you can learn about a place by the coins minted there. My concept sought to strengthen this connection and pique people’s interest by using a background that related to the coin’s depiction.