Thursday, April 25, 2013

Final Portfolio

The following images depict a wide range of subject matter. Many of the photos are in color, a few are black and white, but the scenes were all lined up and picked out with the same intent. The use of formalism is something I have embraced since my interest in photography began. I choose these 10 images from the many I shot during my Intro to Digital Photography class because they best represent my natural style.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Assignment 11: HDR

On a sunny day when some areas are in bright sunlight and others are left in darkness, it can be hard to decide where to properly expose. In these instances, I find it useful to make HDRs. Often though, I see people go way overboard with them until they look like crazy digital illustrations. This has become a huge pet peeve of mine. When most people think of HDR now, they think of those saturated drawing-like images. A lot of people may not agree with me, but I think they should be more subtle. 

Tree Trunks

Forest Bottles

Lone Leaf

Budding Flowers


Forest Ridge

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Assignment 10: Panoramas

I love the large scale size of panoramic photos and all the details you can find in them. I generally look longer at them for this reason. The first two I took at Frick Park. I wish I had more time there because the conditions were perfect. Luckily, I had a small window of opportunity before work a week later and was able to take the rest at Marshall Lake in North Park.

 Frick Park Tree

 Frick Park Wigwam

 Marshall Lake


 Pearce Mill Road

 Marshall Island